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Anxiety Treatment
anxiety re-patterning therapy (A.R.T.)

Discover anxiety treatment in Red Deer with Anxiety Re-patterning Therapy ©. Helena Green's dynamic Program works on both the ongoing anxiety triggers and the original causes.

A person’s outside world is a reflection of what is happening on the inside. Whether you are on your own or in a relationship, stress in its various guises - including all sorts of anxiety, PTSD, phobias, anger, and limiting beliefs - point to where your solutions lay. These ‘triggers’ can be seen as the doorway out of the labyrinth rather than the threatening monster. Awareness of body, feelings and thoughts helps locate these doorways to freedom. A.R.T. helps you find and unlock the secrets of these portals.

With the A.R.T. companion workbook, 'Anxiety Therapy at Home: Dancing with Your Shadow,' you are able to work at your own pace, day or night, and in the privacy of your own home. This complete workbook uses not only Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) but also goes beyond the conscious mind. It works with your subconscious, that includes your hidden truths and your shadow self. Clinical Meridian Tapping (CMT) is a dynamic approach that is part of the deep dive into the cause of your challenges and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck.

A.R.T. uses targeted calming techniques plus psycho-educational handouts. Think of the handouts (targeted resources from the desk of Helena Green) as personal development. A feature of this anxiety therapy includes clinical EFT (Meridian Tapping).  The Program works on both the microcosm (thought, word, deed) and macrocosm (behaviours, patterns) levels; on the outside (habits, relationships) as well as the inside (attitude, confidence, presence) of each client. The dynamic of this whole-hearted anxiety treatment is integrative - it works with mind, body and Spirit.

The Methodology

This is your life! So naturally you want to be an agent in your own health and well-being. In doing the Work with the A.R.T. Program, you are not only a co-creator but also in charge of your life. It is a position of leadership and responsibility. You know what is best for you. Discover the tools and strategies that support you on your journey. A.R.T. is a comprehensive, step by step program and process for reclaiming your personal power. With each step you are able to move forward in clarity and ultimately freedom. The Work takes commitment and discipline. The results are undeniable and, just as importantly, sustainable. You can live anxiety-free and limitless. This freedom is yours to claim.

It’s a matter of - DO . BE . DO . BE . DO 

Stage 1- Risk (Do)

This is a time of preparation for change - ramping up to the commitment to embrace the A.R.T. program. It includes pre-contemplation as well as trying on ideas of doing something differently; of creating change in your life. Risk is about taking action and investing in your own health and wellbeing. Why not Now? Take the first courageous step and commit to yourself. ‘Throw your heart over and the rest will follow.’

Stage 2 Tuning Up & In (Be)

Stage 2 delves into Awareness & Mindfulness. Discover the breadth and depth of resources available to you, right here and now as you focus more on Be-ing. Open your eyes, ears and heart as you slow down. Create a solid platform on which to begin building the new, Whole-Heated-You. With ongoing support and practical exercises, you are empowered to become more awake and alive; more present. Notice deeper levels of awareness in yourself.Create a multi-generational map of the stories that have shaped you. Tap into your patterns and go deeper into yourself. A.R.T. helps you discern what is working for you. By contrast you are also able to discern what doesn’t work for you.

Stage 3 Walk the Talk (Do)

Create sustainable change as you venture forward, step by sustainable step. You are able to navigate the ups and downs of life with not only commitment but also with integrative tools and strategies that target challenges head on, in real-time.  The A.R.T. Program helps you overcome your various obstacles - things, people, roles, fears and ultimately yourself. Know your triggers and scenarios so that you are prepared to engage them with clarity. Embrace change through discipline, commitment, curiosity and open-mindedness.

Stage 4  The Deep Dive (Be)

Be curious as you shift your gaze towards your triggers. The answers for you lie in your challenges. Dong the deep dive into that source of teachings is your door to freedom. Understand the illusi†onary nature of anxiety, fear and doubt. Walk through in safety, strength, courage and purpose. You are always guided and supported as you finally claim your potential.

Stage 5 ‘Renew Whole-Hearted You’ (Do)

Breathe life into all that you have always wanted and always dreamed about yet had felt unattainable. Go for it - embrace your whole-hearted potential without anxiety, fear and doubt! Envision, develop and follow your own plan in creating a limitless vision of yourself - in mind, body and spirit. ‘Show up’ for yourself, your loved ones and your community.  Actualize your Whole-Hearted-You out of the freedom that is yours; freedom from doing this Work. Get clear on your unique gifts, celebrate them and share them with the world. Create a comprehensive, detailed plan and get started. Renew your life with clarity and freedom from all those things that have limited you in the past. Claim the peace in your transformation.

Group Work

Group work on anxiety and limiting beliefs, called ’Anxiety-Free Circles,’ is designed to engender greater awareness and empower people to live into their potential in clarity and freedom while being supported in a small group format.  Groups are designed for safety, confidentiality and privacy as cornerstones of the Work.

Deep Listening. Clarity. Sustainable Solutions

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Master Practitioner in Clinical Counselling

Registered Professional Counsellor

Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner

Certified Energy & Somatic Psychology 
(EFT) Practitioner

phone:(403) 986-0106
email: helenahgreen@gmail.com

Counselling for the Health of It
Red Deer, Alberta

We acknowledge that we work on Treaty 7 land and on the traditional territories of the Métis and Treaty 6, 7 and 8 people whose footsteps have marked these lands for generations.

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EFT Certified Practitioners
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