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Expressions of Spirituality
many paths to source

Helena Green embraces a holistic approach to counselling therapy that includes an appreciation for the many expressions of spirituality and its link to mental health.  During her formal education in a Religious Studies Masters program, she explored religious traditions around the world. That included both western (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) and eastern (Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism) and Shamanic ways of worship. Beyond the various flavours of faith as dogma, the common, grounding thread to all spiritual beliefs is the flavour of the heart.

Connecting with the ‘transcendent,’ regardless of your lens, is pivotal to most people on this planet. The boundless wealth of power and/or love that is contained in what people understand to be their expression of ‘God,’ ‘Spirit,’ and/or whatever the name you have for the unknowable force gives meaning to suffering. Ultimately, your belief in your version of Source can be a powerful partner in strength for enduring a loss, a friend when you feel alone, or a saviour if you feel helpless and lost. Sometimes you need help with forgiveness - whether it’s for someone else or for yourself.

Spirituality, in other words, raises you up to give you perspective and strength when you really need it. All paths lead to the same centre, i.e. the limitless light that is Source. The mystics from all traditions speak the same language in their hearts. There is no separation.

In her counselling therapy, Helena Green accepts, without judgement, your brand of belief. Indeed, she has experienced various ways of reaching for the Divine, including Christ Consciousness, Buddhism, meditation, ritual, music, and Shamanism. Totem animals and the cathedral of Nature are rich sources of deep insight into the human condition. All are welcome here.

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Master Practitioner in Clinical Counselling

Registered Professional Counsellor

Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner

Certified Energy & Somatic Psychology 
(EFT) Practitioner

phone:(403) 986-0106
email: helenahgreen@gmail.com

Counselling for the Health of It
Red Deer, Alberta

We acknowledge that we work on Treaty 7 land and on the traditional territories of the Métis and Treaty 6, 7 and 8 people whose footsteps have marked these lands for generations.

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